Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kings and Crowns

Hmm so various people have been going on about Blogs and how good it is to keep one so I figured I might as well give it a shot.. .we all know that I’ll do anything to avoid studying…

We had our Kings and Crowns night last night, that was fun! We pre-gamed in Mal’s in Belgrove, Maria got the first King cup which was hilarious because she HATES beer and there was a ridiculous amount of guiness in there courtesy of Chris… not to mention some malibu, gin, bulmers, (oh and Coke… Kate was driving…)

(not happy about the beer)-->

Ashy is the only person I’ve ever met who HOPES to get master of men… but then again she also drinks straight malibu (like full on downs it) and then complains when she mixes it that the COKE is burning her throat… right ashy…

Two rounds later as well as some drunken dancing around to Abba we tottered out into the cold icky night in our high heels to get to the bus stop… ( By WE I mean myself and the Americans… Ashy and Maria got a fecking lift, lazy much?) The rain didn’t get us down though, we were laughing too much at Elyse’s yelling ‘Wow, I just stepped in a wet puddle!’ (as opposed to a dry one Elyse?)

An uneventful taxi ride later and we were in Tripod… naturally we ditched our coats and headed for the dancefloor, where we stayed pretty much all night apart from venturing off now and then for shot/drink breaks… We did run into our friends Git and Shane as well, which was good because then I could steal Shanes funky hat and take photos of all of us wearing it…

A few hours later our feet were wrecked so we hobbled down to Bk in the lashing rain (stopping of course to take a pic of Leslie under the pretty grafton street lights) and got lots of yummy food (and crowns, thus completing the agenda for ‘Kings and Crowns night’.) After getting even wetter going to the taxi rank we went our separate ways and went to bed (well, not Elyse because she was leaving in like an hour for Paris and still hadn’t packed)

Basically it was a savage night out. With four cameras there we took an insane amount of photos, I might throw some of them up here if I can figure out how..

One thing I learned from that night though- I’d forgotten how much a group of girls by themselves on the dancefloor can attract creepers. And as much fun as a girls night out was, a little part of me missed the lax boys, because they’re fun to dance with (its not the same doing the Team C dance without its creator, Flopsy) and more importantly, they keep the creepers away….


rachelblake said...

eh actually amy maeve thought up the dance xx

Flopseye said...

There is a dance? I remember coming with the whole make yourself into a letter thing.

Amy said...

by dance i am referring to making the letters 't' and 'c'and with your fingers... i don't know who started it, but i do know that i spent a lot of friday night doing that with you flopsy so i assumed you made it up!

Flopseye said...

I am pretty sure I made that up. In fact 100% sure so shut up Rachel.

Amy said...

it doesn't really matter who made it up, either way its still fun to dance to... even you were doing it by the end of the night rach!

rachelblake said...

yes flopsy u made up the letter thing but maeve made it into a dance and the dance was way better