I have really surprised myself with my dedication over the last few days. Not to studying, but to my avoidation (I am not sure if that is a word, but I don't care, studying for English is TOMORROW) of studying. It takes some creativity to be able to think of so many things to do instead of working, WITHOUT leaving the room you are studying in. Some people may think it is too hard. To these people I say practise, the art of procrastination is one that does not come easily to some, but with time it can become a useful and distracting tool.
I think a lot of people get confused about the difference between procrastinating and just slacking. The difference is in your mind set- you need to genuinely BELIEVE that you are going to begin your work just after you play with the dog/start a blog/finish this conversation on facebook chat... Otherwise you are just slacking. Bascially a good procrastinator needs to be very good at kidding themselves, or so gullible they even believe it when THEY lie to themselves. They also need to be able to convince themselves that what they are doing is SO important it cannot wait until after studying (but the dog looks lonely, I need to arrange what time Rachel is collecting me later and that is easier on fb chat...) It is a skill which develops over time. Some people call it denial... I prefer to think of it as 'misguided prioritising'.
Procrastinating, when used right, I think can benefit whatever you are avoiding doing. If Kate is reading this she is probably giving her computer her disapproving, are-you-kidding-go-do-some-work-and-stop-waffling-on look. I know this because we have this conversation frequently- she is a responsible, dilligent student who gets her work done perfectly as soon as possible to get it out of the way, while I have the attention span of a newborn puppy and therefore find it hard to sit down and concentrate unless there is some sort of scary deadline looming. Personally I think I work better with an imminent deadline, so by putting off my work until I HAVE to do it, it means the adreneline from the ohnoitsdueintwodaysandIhaven'tstartedyet rush helps me work harder and more efficiently.
Which is why I think I (hopefully) am not too screwed for my exams next week. The 'holy crap its on wednesday' fear is kicking in and I am finding it a lot easier to concentrate on actually studying, so much so that I am even writing this on my lunch break so it does not interfere with my nerd time. That said it is only half two in the afternoon, odds are that by four I will have thought of something of extreme importance which MUST BE DONE NOW. Or I might actually do some work. Who knows?
I think a lot of people get confused about the difference between procrastinating and just slacking. The difference is in your mind set- you need to genuinely BELIEVE that you are going to begin your work just after you play with the dog/start a blog/finish this conversation on facebook chat... Otherwise you are just slacking. Bascially a good procrastinator needs to be very good at kidding themselves, or so gullible they even believe it when THEY lie to themselves. They also need to be able to convince themselves that what they are doing is SO important it cannot wait until after studying (but the dog looks lonely, I need to arrange what time Rachel is collecting me later and that is easier on fb chat...) It is a skill which develops over time. Some people call it denial... I prefer to think of it as 'misguided prioritising'.
Procrastinating, when used right, I think can benefit whatever you are avoiding doing. If Kate is reading this she is probably giving her computer her disapproving, are-you-kidding-go-do-some-work-and-stop-waffling-on look. I know this because we have this conversation frequently- she is a responsible, dilligent student who gets her work done perfectly as soon as possible to get it out of the way, while I have the attention span of a newborn puppy and therefore find it hard to sit down and concentrate unless there is some sort of scary deadline looming. Personally I think I work better with an imminent deadline, so by putting off my work until I HAVE to do it, it means the adreneline from the ohnoitsdueintwodaysandIhaven'tstartedyet rush helps me work harder and more efficiently.
Which is why I think I (hopefully) am not too screwed for my exams next week. The 'holy crap its on wednesday' fear is kicking in and I am finding it a lot easier to concentrate on actually studying, so much so that I am even writing this on my lunch break so it does not interfere with my nerd time. That said it is only half two in the afternoon, odds are that by four I will have thought of something of extreme importance which MUST BE DONE NOW. Or I might actually do some work. Who knows?
p.s You want to know a REALLY good way to distract yourself? Google images 'puppies...

it is ADORABLE!!!
awwwww -->>
1 comment:
Haha amy very true about the look i was giving my laptop while i was reading this! But now i've got worse at getting study done coz people start talking 2 my on skype or fb when i go on 2 look at a comment r somethin!!!!
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