Ha can you feel the bitterness seeping out of your computer screen? I know I probably sound like a bitter old maid (which is quite alarming since I am all of eighteen years old... ), but I just think that it is a TAD unfair that there is a whole holiday devoted to allowing couples to parade smugly around the city and make everyone single feel alone and unloved. I mean, is there a day where single people get to rub the advantages of being single in couples faces? No! Should there be? Yes!
I have nothing against couples. I am not one of those crazy people who is so bitter at the thought of it that they harbor irrational hatred towards all couples and will end up releasing that anger in one violent, bloody burst of rage. What I do have a problem with is those couples who insist on PDA'S at all hours of the day. If I am in the SU for an hours break at 10 after being in college for nine o clock, there are several things I don't want to see. One is that they have no pepsi in the shop, because I have an addiction and that would make me cry. Also, i do NOT want to see some random couple shoving their tongues down one-anothers throat... get a ROOM people! Or at least a quiet corner, the couches in the middle of the su are public domain. Odds are I have just eaten, please don't make it come back up!
I know what you are thinking, if I was in a relationship I would probably feel a lot differently. And I guess you are kinda right. Yes, I would love if someone gave me a rose or something, and god knows I would never complain about free chocolate... but it is more the pressure put on people to be romantic that I hate about it. To be honest, I think it would be so much cuter if, instead of on valentines day and paying ridiculously jumped up prices, someone surprised me with a random flower on just an ordinary day. There is no romance in Valentine's day anymore, just an intense pressure on people to spend extortionate amounts of money on overpriced gifts. How is it romantic if they are OBLIGED to do something sweet? Doesn't that take the fun out of it, or at least the sweetness of the gesture?
Maybe I am just a crazy bitter person, but personally I think I have a point. And it is not like I am overly jealous of people in long term relationships, because to be honest the thought of commitment makes me want to run as far away as possible, as fast possible to find a place to hide! Yeah, commitment and I aren't exactly best buds... That said, a little part of me would love to be part of one of those couples that walk around just looking so happy to be with each other. Yes I watch the notebook or 27 dresses and think 'I want that.' Then I come back to reality and think 'feck that, I would be sick of it after about a day'. As much as I try to deny it, a small part of me wants the romance and the attention and the gifts from Valentines day. Luckily that is only a very small part of me, near my foot...
I am all for showing people that you care about them, but is it really so sweet if hallmark is basically telling you to? That said, part of me may be secretly hoping for a rose on Valentines day... sssh don't tell!!

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