Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 things you don't know (or particularly care) about me...

So Elyse sent me this chain thingy, you have to write 25 things that people don't really know about you. I figured I might as well chuck it up here, I have been neglecting this blog a bit...

1) I am ridiculously squeamish. This is number one purely because the girls just subjected me to an entire show about plastic surgery and when they actually showed the operations, I nearly threw up.

2) I get scared really easily. In fact, I get scared by so many things that people find it entertaining to invent other things I am afraid of, because I will admit a lot of my fears are fairly random. For the record, things I am afraid of- eyes, clowns and swans. Things I am not: pianos. No matter what the girls say!

3) I used to be really shy. I am still hardly the most outgoing person in the world (i even refuse to ask for the bill in a restaurant) but looking at myself now and how I was two years ago, I guess I have grown a lot, even though...

4) I am unbelieveably insecure. This can be a drawback when you also give out a vibe that says 'mock me', but I am getting pretty good at telling the difference between banter and people genuinely not liking me. Even so, I still get a lot of those moments where I am like 'wait, does this person actually hate me?' I guess that is just insecurity kicking in, and generally I get given out to by the others when I ask it.

5) I can't hold a grudge. I also can't really stay mad at people either. I am a total pushover, and I hate it when people get mad at me. What upsets me the most is when people get mad at me for stuff I had nothing to do with, or things outside my control.

6) I always look for the good in people. Even though I do get annoyed with people ( I am hardly a saint) I always try to see things from their point of view. I think that everyone is nice deep down, just some people are scared or insecure or whatever. It takes a lot to make me give up on someone, but sometimes this means I hold onto things I really should just walk away from.

7) I always apologise, even if it is not my fault. Today, rachel hit me (lightly, not a full on punch to the face!) then said 'dont get in the way of my fist!' Without thinking i went 'sorry.... wait a sec!' I guess I have a total guilt complex or something. Cillian says I have 5 consciences, but i think that he is exaggerating.

8) I can honestly say that so far first year has been one of the best years yet. I have made some amazing new friends, been to new countries and started new things. Lacrosse has played a big part of it, which is weird because I have never been a sporty person. It has been the first sport that I have liked enough to stick with, even if I am not the best at it. This probably has as much to do with the people and the social life as with the sport though...

9) Speaking of amazing friends, I found it really hard to say goodbye to the ones I made last semester, especially one legend from minnesooooooooooooooota. ( Sorry Mal, you know I can't say it without mimicking your accent). I am ridiculously emotional and bad at goodbyes anyway, but I prefere missing them a lot now then never having met them.

10) I am ridiculously disorganised. I leave everything to the last minute, and while I always PLAN to do something it takes me ages to get it done. I have meant to apply for my driving permit since november 2007, my age card since july, and i still have to send someones birthday present which i meant to do a good two weeks ago...

11) I was extremely well behaved at school, i think that is why I am such a slacker in college. I just find it hard to motivate myself to go to a boring lecture when I could be hanging out with my friends.

12) On the flip side, I also have high standards grades wise- I want to do well while doing the minimum amount of work. Yes I am lazy, I know that!

13) I am still secretely pissed about getting 495 in my leaving when I wanted 500. Is this extremely silly and childish considering I got my course, which is all that really mattered anyway? Yes. Does it still annoy me? Yes.

14)After working so hard, I have a sneaking suspicion that I made a mistake going straight into pure english. Not that i don't love english, I just worry that I narrowed my options too soon. What annoys me the most about this is the fact that this is the EXACT point my mother made to me, but I was convinced it was what I wanted to do.

15) I am awful at making decisions, which is frustrating when trying to decide big things like 'am I in the right course?', and also minor things like 'what are we doing tonight?'.

16) I have no idea what I want to do after college. This might come from my lack of decision making ability, or else from the fact that I am 18 years old and that is WAY too early in my opinion to be making big choices.

17) I would love to write a book, but I am not sure if I have to attention span to write one, not to mention the writing talent. However Maria decided to inform everyone we met in Bulgaria that this was what I will do, so technically I am obliged to now...

18) My friends are one of the most important things in my life. Several of them I have known since I was four, others I made in secondary school or else in college. One of them is my sister. They mean so much to me though, and are always there for me when I need them. I can't imagine not having them.

19) I have never been so surprised, or happy as when Maria Ashy and Emma turned up in my hospital room to visit me after my operation. I really didn't expect it, and it meant a lot that they would get about two different forms of transport just to come see me for like an hour.

20) I have never gone on a waterslide, because up until this year i wasn't able to put my head under the water. In fact I have never had a swimming lesson, or at least a proper one (i have vague memories of having them when i was about 4) I taught myself to swim, which means that I am ok at it but hardly amazing or graceful!

21) I have hearing problems in my right ear. Its hard because a lot of the time I don't hear what people are saying, but I hate telling people about it or asking them to repeat themselves, so generally I smile and nod. I have a feeling a lot of people think that I am rude/stupid because of it.

22) I havent eaten meat in about nine years, and I don't plan on eating it at any point in the near future. I know people find it strange, but at this point the thought of it actually repluses me, not to mention my system physically couldn't handle it. I am a vegetarian for moral reasons as well as not liking the taste, though wierdly I sometimes get cravings for MCDonalds bugers (even though i didn't like them back when i ate meat) and cocktail sausages.

23) I want to go to New Zealand for a year to study, but I am also scared about being literally the furthest geographically away from home that I could get (unless i went to the antarctic). I was there in 5th year though with the family, and absolutely loved it, so I do want to go back.

24) I can act like a complete child/geek. I love getting a lift into college with sibling, because we dance to the cds in the car even though people around us can obviously see us. Sibling and I both act like complete children, which I think is why we get along so well. She is also just as prone to 'grassy moments' as me, in fact after meeting her Elyse said 'wow, you make sense now.' That said, she is also brilliant at giving advice and if anyone upsets me she always offers to take them out (i generally refuse though). She even helps out my friends if they need it. However, she is ridiculously pretty smart and finds it really easy to meet new people and sometimes it is hard not to be jealous of her, even though we are really close.

25) I want to go to at least one country in all the continents of the world. So far I have been to Europe, North America, Australia and Africa. I am tempted to count Asia, but as I never left Singapore/Hong Kong airport, I think that might be cheating...

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