The last few weeks have been MAD. We had Dublinfest from the 6th-9th of April. All we had heard were the others going on about how amazing Dublinfest was, so we were pretty excited for it. Intense doesn't even describe it! I played for both UCD and Dublin (most of the girls did) so I played 11 matches in two days. Both teams made it through to the semis, though Dubli
n forfeited theirs. UCD lost to York A, but we cheered ourselves up by doing cartwheels and team games and taking silly photos. The boys won which was really great, they were thrilled, John was so happy he lost all his hair.
The nights out were pretty good. I was too wrecked on Tuesday to go out which made Paddy pronounce my shit as 'weak' but it meant I was able to function the next day... there is no way i would have made it through 5 matches that day with little sleep, I have no idea how Maria did it!
The nights out were a lot of fun though, it really was such a good week!
This week we had the guys vs girls match which was actually the most entertaining game I have ever played, most likely because we had NO rules whatsoever. We were even told to hit the guys which I felt bad doing... but it might have been a LITTLE fun, probably becuase I knew there was no way I am in any way strong enough to do anyone any sort of injury. Needless to say, we won, though maybe the game was a little biased....
Friday was the last boys match of the semester, and also Tavis' last night in Ireland. The girls pre drank in Aries, went to the match, and then pre drank more... it was a messy night in general. We went to mess'rs for a change, the music wasn't nearly as good as usual which was sad but it was a great night. Tavis is the first American to go home this semester, It was so sad to say goodbye to him!! I was so upset we even took a 'sad face' photo. I think it shows the sadness pretty well... haha.
I am not even thinking about the others leaving, I am very bad at goodbyes! It sucks that this happens every semester.
Tomorrow is our AGM. Flopsy is making joke prizes which some of us our quite apprehensive about but we have been assured it is all in good fun... It should be interesting anyway. Either way Rach Kate and I (and I think some of the other girls) are getting pizza before, which is something to look forward to! I have a 2500 word essay due tomorrow which I have barely started, in fact I just have a lot of work due this week. It will be a bit of a bitch getting it done but I am not letting it stress me out... it is only first year after all!!! Friday is the UCD ball which should be great, provided I get all my work done! I have a lovely group presentation to do first... The last few weeks have and will be pretty hectic between all the work as well as Dublinfest and other events. I can't believe how close this year is to being over... I don't want to think about it!
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