So Mermy has demanded that I update this so I thought I might as well (she also said please so I figured it would be rude not to) , though I have a strong suspicion that she is the only one who reads it.. which is fine by me!
So I went to Marrakech with the fam for 10 days. To say it was hot would be an understatement. It was so hot (42 degrees) that I genuinely thought I might melt. We moved into our house which was pretty cool, and one section of the pool was filled after a couple of days so Sibling and I spent a lot of time in there in the afternoon cooling off! Morocco is a really cool place, its completely different culturewise though. Like there, if you are out with a group of guys you have to tell them you want a drink and they'll order it for you. Its insulting to them if you order it yourself. Why, I don't know but it sure beats the hassle of trekking to the bar. Here its more likely if I turned around to a guy at our table and told them I wanted a drink they'd say 'thats nice, while you're up there will you get me a pint?' Not that they're lazy, just that, well, if I want a drink I can get it myself. And fair enough, I have two legs after all!
Apart from Morocco nothing else of note has really happened. In five days though, myself, Ashy, Emma and Maria are heading off interrailing! I can't wait, its just under a month of travelling around Europe. It's going to be such an adventure. Maeve and Rachel aren't coming which sucks, but they have formed a July posse with Paddy so I think they will be having fun in Ireland anyway. We're flying to Prague on Sunday, then we are going to Austria, Germany, Italy, somewhere random for 3 days (we haven't decided where yet, I think Rome was a possibility last time I checked...) Slovenia and Croatia. We're getting an apartment in Croatia for about a week, then we're flying home. I'm at home for exactly one night before heading off to Mayo for my cousin's wedding.
I am so unbelieveably excited about Interrailing. Not only is it a month away with 3 of my closest friends, but we get to choose and organise whatever we want to do. By we, I mean the others do because my organisational skills are zilch. I am in charge of not getting lost, which says it all...Not to mention that my mom came back from shopping today and announced she had a present for me for interrailing... It was a travel first aid kit. I kid you not. The sad thing is, I will most likely need it at some point during the trip...
Last Sat, Ashy and Maria convinced me for a good 20 mins that I had booked my flights for the wrong day and would be spending a night in Prague alone. They can be so evil sometimes! I was so worried when they told me that, especially because with my luck I'd somehow get on the wrong plane and end up in china or something....
I love travelling, and I'll be seeing so many new cities, I really can't wait! We're going to get rucksacks tomorrow, then I'll start packing. One downside of Interrailing, the whole minimising thing because I am a terrible overpacker. I think the fact that what I pack I'll be carrying on my back for weeks will help though! Basically July is going to be an incredible month, I'll even be turning 19 in Dubrovnik which should be fun! Then its home and resuming the job search, which I will definitly need because I will be BROKE after this trip... but right now I'm not thinking that, I am concentrating on me+3 of my friends+ a rucksack+ an interrail ticket+ at least 7 different cities...
Its going to be epic.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Summer adventures
Wow I have been terrible at keeping this updated! A lot of stuff has been happening recently, but the top two things would have to be the UCD ball and the lowlands tournament.
(apparently, I am an inanimate object...)

Having somehow managed to get through the ridiculous pile of work I had that week and surviving the presentation I had that morning, I went to Maeve's at the healthy hour of one o clock to start predrinking. We all bought different ingrediants and we made some pretty amazing cocktails, if I do say so myself. My personal fav was the appletini, and after a few rounds of cocktails we headed off to UCD for the ball. The ball was a good laugh though the weather was pretty crappy, by eleven we had retreated back to Paddy's to order pizza and warm up!
Exams came next, and those were NOT exactly the highlight of my year! The outbreak of ninja wars in the library did ease the pain of spending nice days holed up in the library studying. It began with Rach and Smidge sneaking up on each other and whispering 'you've just been ninja'd', but when Smiley ninja'd Maria's laptop and sent us on a trip around the library looking for it things got interesting... It was a good laugh anyway, definitly a way of cheering ourselves up in the lib!
The weekend after exams Rach, Maria Maeve and I went to the lowlands lacrosse tournament in Amsterdam. The tournament didnt start until Saturday but we left on thursday and went to Brussels and Bruges with John, Keith, Flopsy, Moffat and Bonagee. It was a good laugh and as usual I took like a million photos.
We went on a nightime wander around Bruges the night we stayed there, it was really pretty. Then the next day we followed Rach's map to the places in the film, the weather was unreal as well which was even better! That evening we took a train to Amsterdam, well I say A train but really it had to change trains 3 times so we were on four different trains in five hours, not fun!
The tournament itself was great, we were playing with four of the Irish team and three girls from Bristol, so we learned loads from them. Playing Man down in extreme heat was not ideal circumstances but it was fun. Maeve's knee got injured during the second match but she still came and sat in ridiculous heat to cheer for us which was so cool of her, she didnt even complain when her knee was hurting her or anything, what a legend! Rach, Maria and I ended up playing with the Gin and Juice girls in the final because they needed a goalie and some extra players, they are one of the best teams I have ever seen! (they are all Americans who were payed to come over to England to coach lacrosse) Basically it was a really great weekend, and good preparation for playing Mount Saint Marys this week! The boys are playing Loyola as well which should be interesting, then on Sunday I leave for Morocco with the family.
I think that is pretty much all the interesting stuff from the past while, I should really try to update this more regularly!
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